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July 02, 2017

Why Bloggers Are Under-Appreciated

I started blogging back in 2014 after completing work experience with a few companies who suggested that if I wanted to become a journalist, I had to do something to show my future employers that I was keen and not just being lazy – skip forward to today and here is my blog, Trafotoz.

I have bought several templates (which by the way were far from cheap), changed my platform a few times and changed the niche of my blog. Finally, I am now happy with it and hope my readers are too. So can the myth that bloggers are lazy please stop. Here is why:

That Google search image at the top...type 'Why bloggers' into your search bar and see what you get. I have mixed feelings about what came up. "Fail...stupid...?" Gosh, that makes us feel greatttt *sigh*

The thing is, I reckon bloggers are under-rated. Not your bloggers like Tanya or Zoella, but people like you and me who gain nothing from doing product reviews. Yes, having some feedback is great but sometimes people will just read it and not bother commenting which kinda sucks, right? Where did the good old days go where everyone would comment on everyone’s blog and companies would thank you for taking your own time to write the post?

Imagine this: You have been sitting down for hours and potentially spending days writing a blog post. You are finally happy with it and you share it on social media. On average, I would say per blog post I can get anywhere between 500-700 views in a day for one post. Two years ago, I would have gotten 100 if I were lucky – doesn’t that show how hard I have worked on my content? Yes, there are bloggers out there who get far less and also far more than me but that’s not the point.


You then see a product review like the one you JUST posted and you click on it. They have been PAID to do it, they have so many comments and shares and the company even thanks them which further promotes their blog (and the company). Us? We may have influenced a couple of people to buy a product but that doesn’t mean we should be under appreciated because we have not been paid. If anything, it’s a more reliable source, right? We have nothing to gain or lose by writing a s*** review.

To back up what I just said, according to Technorati’s Digital Influence Report, bloggers are in the top five sources of trustworthy information (which includes a parent or a friend). Meaning if bloggers are saying good things about the company or their products, their readers may actually act on it...which means money for them.

Basically, it makes you feel useless. ‘Why would anyone look at my blog when this person is doing the same as me but being endorsed by the company?’ ‘Their blog looks so much better than mine’, etc. It isn't all about the money but it is a big part of it sometimes. It feels weird saying I am a blogger simply because I am not a well-known one.

Having a blog (believe it or not) is time-consuming. It takes effort, time, passion, creativity and a whole bunch of ideas. Please, please correct me if I’m wrong but I think everyone has this concept of if you’re not watching a vlog, it probably doesn’t matter. ‘You didn’t sit down and speak in front of a camera, you didn’t edit it (which isn't true)…and now you actually have to read this post…blah blah blah’.

I love both vloggers and bloggers and have nothing against them nor Tan and Zoe who I mentioned above. I have made so many friends online through Blog Chats on Twitter (@GRLPOWRCHAT) but my opinion, we are underappreciated. I also believe the smaller vlog channels are also underappreciated but I only blog so couldn’t really comment. The positives are definitely a plus and it's really what keeps us motivated.

I hope this wasn't too moany! What do you think?


  1. All of this! I've had some awful comments because I decided to start blogging! It's hard work and some of the comments ice had haven't exactly been encouraging but I've also had some lovely moments and made some incredible friends! The media doesn't help us much either!

    Rachel || http://wordofrachel.com

    1. Sorry to hear you have had some not-so nice comments :( the good comments help like you said and so many other people are supportive which is why I love group chats specifically for Bloggers! Can't wait to see your blog :D

  2. I think writers in general aren't appreciated as much as people in front of a camera, but blogging is often at the bottom. There's an unspoken negative connotation with the profession. Like it's nothing more than a bunch of people writing whatever's in their minds and whining about the world. I don't think people realize how much energy goes into writing, whether it's professional journalism for a top newspaper or a family blogger writing solely for family and friends. Writing is hard. Coming up with new content and keeping a flow is hard.

    But please keep going! What you're doing is important and brings you some sort of joy if nothing else -- Chelsea Elliott x

    1. Totally agree and great advice at the end there :) x

  3. Blogging is tough, and horrid comments don't help.

  4. Hi, I can totally feel you. I'm sure many bloggers have the same feeling as well. But this is just the nature of this business, isn't it? Especially in today's digital world where there are so much competition and information online.

    Think about other types of business, traditional business, I'm sure they are the same. There are good companies still struggling and are under appreciated. This is just the way it works. It's impossible to let everyone succeed at the same time.

    We just need to persevere and be consistent in our effort/hard work! Those bloggers who are backed and supported by companies definitely had the same situation in the past. They experienced that before they got sponsored and achieved success.

    So, all the best to you and I wish you great success!


    1. I agree and see where you are coming from! Everyone has to start off somewhere and hopefully all Bloggers and Vloggers can become equal. Very positive message and totally agree

  5. I completely agree. So much work goes into blogging as it is!

    1. I know, right? Trying to come up with some new ideas now - so difficult!


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