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December 12, 2016

Now You See Me 2

Warning - This review contains some spoilers ⚠️ 
Starring an all new cast, Now You See Me 2 is back, bigger and even better than before. Now You See Me was one of my favourite movies and as you could guess I was very happy when they announced a second movie. The cast this year is amazing. From Mark Ruffalo to Dave Franco, they did a pretty good job!

December 11, 2016


Warning - This review contains some spoilers ⚠️ 
Described as a game like "truth or dare, minus the truth", Nerve, whilst appearing fake, is scarily probably already a game we have all yet to come across. Considering the stupid trends on YouTube recently, I wouldn't be surprised. Let's all just hope this isn't a thing already.

December 10, 2016

Sugg Life Merchandise

We all guessed that Joe and Zoe would be brining out a calendar re-creating their baby pictures. But what we didn't know was that they came out with their own merch line together – called the SuggLife! Many had always suggested that this brother-sister duo created Sugg merch since non-official merch of "I didn't chose the Sugg life, the Sugg life chose me" t-shirts came out.

Both Suggs' had been giving us sneaky hints on social media, leaving us guessing as to what this huge surprise project could be. Joe actually wore a top in this vlog with his face on it that appears on the phone cases - how sneaky!

What is available?

All products are pretty affordable and too not overpriced. These would make good Christmas presents, or Secret Santa gifts. I am in love with the Grey Copper t-shirt because I am obsessed with pretty much anything and everything Copper/Rose Gold.

The cheapest Sugg merch ranges from £6.99 and the most expensive at £19.99. So are you buying any of their merch? If so. what are you getting?

Check out their announcement vlogs below:


December 08, 2016

L'Oreal Clay Face Masks

What is multi-masking?

Multi-Masking is recommend by many people and is becoming one of the latest trends. It works by using several different masks/treatments at the same time. Have lots of pores, blackheads or spots? Dull looking skin and in need of a healthy looking glow? Then these are the masks for you.

They all really work and they are incredible. The Glow Mask has tiny, exfoliating microbeads which help scrub away dry, flaky skin. My skin is pretty sensitive, so these masks are perfect for me. Plus, now you have a good excuse to keep two or more masks on at once and to relax! Comment below what your thoughts are and if you try multi-masking.

Are they worth it?

For a great value of £7.99, I'd say so! They were recently on sale in boots for £5.99 which is a bonus. The glass container makes the product feel even more expensive than it actually is. Hopefully they keep this price as if they do, I would buy it again.

Have you used these masks before? If so, which is your favourite?

As I am writing this, I am multi-masking with L'Oréal Paris' face masks. Without a doubt, these are the best (and my favourite) face masks of all time! My skin is pretty sensitive so finding a product that actually works is a miracle.

The formula is very smooth and when it dried, it wasn't that horrible tight, uncomfortable feeling you get with most masks. It dries after 15 minutes which is pretty fast and as it dries, you can see tiny spots appear - that's the mask drawing out the nasty spots, pores, oils and any impurities - the spots look a little horrible but it is worth it when you keep up the routine. I have seen results after a week and my skin is far clearer than it was this time last week.

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