Warning - This review contains some spoilers ⚠️
So in the last episode, Alice died in a shed fire which she started herself, then Sam tried to save her but was badly burnt and ended up in hospital and shouts at Matthew, blaming him for her death.
Don't worry - we're almost finished season 2! I hope we have a third season.
Eve visits the Butcher, Nadia's husband, and he is clearly upset when he find out his wife had been beaten up, but she has no sympathy for him and blames him for not confessing.
In the present day, we see Baptiste think about how the girls could of survived with no exposure to the real world, he begins to feel dizzy and later on says he gets headaches...is this him dying? Does this mean it is the last season of The Missing ?
Gemma and Eve wander around the park where Alice was seen on a roller-coaster, they had no luck with finding any leads. Meanwhile, Sam visits Eve's dad, Brigadier Stone, to check up on him and when they talk, Stone remembers a detailed version of Alice and the day she went missing. Does this mean he had something to do with it or knows someone who does? Either way, he is hiding something.

Gemma tells Eve she knows what is going on but asks Eve to keep it a secret from Sam. Speaking of Eve, her baby? It turns out (I think) she lost her baby after Matthew pushed her.
So the major news that was a question every week was 'Is that Alice' and yes...yes it was! Strangely I still don't think it is Alice, either than or her twin sister. Did you notice the necklace Alice played with when she was at home was exactly like the one the third girl had on in the picture of the roller-coaster??

My theory: Notice how they mentioned how they ran the DNA test against the dad and not the mum? Either the real Alice was the one who returned or she is the mysterious third girl in the photo. If she was the girl in the shed and the one they collected the DNA from ( that was confirmed to be Alice) then either the DNA test was faked or Sam had another daughter the same age as Alice and maybe Sophie who was kept with them. Maybe the BBC are secretly telling us something. When Sam was in hospital, Gemma said "That's not MY daughter". Maybe it wasn't her daughter but Sam's. Hmmmm...
So was there a third girl reported missing or was that the daughter Sam kept quiet about? Thoughts?
So what is going on with Henry Reed? I am so confused with this story line never mind trying to keep up with who is who...or who isn't! We see Alice on CCTV buying flowers which we later find out is for a grave. The grave of Henry Reed..ummm what?
So who killed him? How much does Brigadier Stone really remember? Who was really in the shed and who was the woman sat outside the café?
Any theories so far?
I know these is far-fetched but do you think this could be anything to do with human cloning done secretly by the military?