Below are reasons as to why I think MELISSA is A.D! I believe it more than my previous Lucas and Ezra theories and since it's getting closer to the end, I really want a firm theory before the reveal.
--- My theory ---
Melissa was there the night Ali went missing. She saw Spencer with the shovel and thought she killed Ali. Because of this, she then shoved Bethany in grave. She could have been protecting Spencer that night, it could all be one big lie but either way she was there that night.
We see A ordering shoes to the address 5214...IT IS SPENCER AND MELISSAS ADDRESS!! But we also see the therapist wear these same shoes...Hmmmm.

Jason saw both Melissa and CeCe by his house. In 3X20, Emily asks her about this and CeCe doesn't deny it. Some say he was imagining it, but I don't think he was. Why would he imagine CeCe and Melissa together?

Jason saw both Melissa and CeCe by his house. In 3X20, Emily asks her about this and CeCe doesn't deny it. Some say he was imagining it, but I don't think he was. Why would he imagine CeCe and Melissa together?
When questioned by police as to why Melissa returned to Rosewood, she said she met Toby in London and he said Spencer was missing her so that's why she came back. Yet according to Veronica and Toby, he went to her home, Wren answered and said Melissa wasn't staying here [London]. Where was she and why did she lie about where she was staying? Why did she lie about talking to Toby?
The NAT club (translated: We See All) had these members. Most of which are dead. Remember when Ian recorded them all in Ali's room on the night she vanished? Emily even said in 3X13 "Two members of the NAT club dead" was this a clue?
- Garret - DEAD
- Wilden - DEAD
- Ian - DEAD
- Melissa - ALIVE
I saw online that AD could stand for the Latin word for Devils Advocate which is ''Advocatus Diaboli'...guess what else was Latin, the NAT club. Who was part of that club? (See above). The link here is LATIN. We all know that everyone is afraid of Melissa. Shauna even said Jenna was afraid of CeCe and she was A at the time. We then found out from Mona that Shauna and Jenna were afraid of Melissa, but why!? Because she is AD!!
It would also explain the DEVIL emoji we saw here:
It would also explain the DEVIL emoji we saw here:
When Spencer asked Melissa why she was in Ali's room that night (after seeing the tape), Melissa claimed she was looking for Ian. But why? It makes no sense considering she stormed in and said "Where is she [Alison]?"
She lied for months about being pregnant but why? She claimed it was because she was dealing with too much which is a reasonable excuse Either way, she's a good liar, just like AD and the rest of the team. Also, we know she lost a baby before June. This would then make her pretty angry along with the whole fake situation. So, could Melissa be crazy enough or angry enough to use Emily's eggs as revenge since she lost her baby, Ali and Emily should lose theirs?
What stopped me from being certain on her being AD is that Melissa really (or seems to) care for Spencer. But it's someone so shocking that we are heartbroken. I believe she knows Spencer isn't her biological sister and so doesn't care about her as much as we think.
Melissa was the Black Swan at the dance. We see her talk to Lucas and another girl and then rush off - but why?
As the girls were searching for clues in Melissa's apartment, they found the feather from the Black Swan outfit and a red coat. Was she ever a decoy for Red Coat meaning she was there from the beginning as part of Team AD? She also had the same boots A.D ordered online. Apparently Mona forced her to wear it or everyone would find out about the fake pregnancy.
She then walks into an 'Anti-Alison Army' where people such as Paige, Lucas and Mona are and struts in and says "We don't have much time" - is she in charge?
She then walks into an 'Anti-Alison Army' where people such as Paige, Lucas and Mona are and struts in and says "We don't have much time" - is she in charge?
Melissa and A.D have the same laptop - what?!

On the Halloween train in 3X13, Melissa says "Push damn it" (referring to pushing the box with Aria in it off the Halloween train) to which Wilden replies "No." In another conversation on the train Wilden says "You lied to me!". Melissa tells him to shut up and he replied "I cant do this." - she clearly doesn't care about Aria, Spencer or her friends if she could kill them.
We see Jenna, Shauna and Melissa in Jenna's house talking in 3x24. Melissa says "Those bitches are going to be at the lodge at nine" and that night the cabin was set alight. Mona once told us they were both so scared of Melissa but why? Jenna being scared of Melissa means she must be high up in Team A/AD...or the leader.
Remember when Spencer spoke to Melissa at the lake where she was breaking the masks, why did he have a mask made of her in the first place?
Remember this picture? It was taken by Melissa according to CeCe in 3x20. CeCe mentions Melissa A LOT so it is not surprising A.D (Melissa) would want to avenge her death. This also means Melissa and her were friends and she was in Camp May that summer. Does A.D stand for Avenging Death?
Remember when Spencer spoke to Melissa at the lake where she was breaking the masks, why did he have a mask made of her in the first place?
Remember this picture? It was taken by Melissa according to CeCe in 3x20. CeCe mentions Melissa A LOT so it is not surprising A.D (Melissa) would want to avenge her death. This also means Melissa and her were friends and she was in Camp May that summer. Does A.D stand for Avenging Death?
When the girls first met CeCe in the café, Spencer introduces herself and CeCe replies "Melissa Hastings little sister." meaning they knew each other.
In 3X20, CeCe tell Emily "Spencer's big sister wanted them [Ian's home tapes] more than anything." - but why? What was on it that Melissa wanted so bad?
In 2x22, we find out Melissa sent Ali threating texts but didn't sign anything as she knew who they were from. So she isn't afraid to send texts from her, never-mind from A/AD.
I mentioned in my Lucas theory post that 6X19 ended with A.D's laptops showing a picture of Veronica running for State Senate. It also had binary digits and a warehouse which is what made me think it could be Lucas but why show Veronica? It would make sense A.D is Melissa considering she is her mom.
When Mona was showing the girls the tape of who was on the Halloween train, it cuts off where Melissa takes off her mask. I am sure she is watching and cut it off at the right time.
If Melissa really cared for Spencer, why did she sit back and do nothing when her sister could go down for a crime she committed? Why was she not there for Spencer when she was going through a rough time, even when they were being publically scrutinised?
Melissa's suitcase was broken, just like the one used in the investigation that was "Metal, hollow and cut with a rectangle on the end". She said it broke when she "pulled it out of the cab at Philly Airport as the driver took every road that was bumpy and full of holes to avoid baseball traffic." Yet according to Caleb, the baseball traffic would have been in Baltimore, far away from where Melissa was (or should have been).
When Mona was showing the girls the tape of who was on the Halloween train, it cuts off where Melissa takes off her mask. I am sure she is watching and cut it off at the right time.
If Melissa really cared for Spencer, why did she sit back and do nothing when her sister could go down for a crime she committed? Why was she not there for Spencer when she was going through a rough time, even when they were being publically scrutinised?
Melissa's suitcase was broken, just like the one used in the investigation that was "Metal, hollow and cut with a rectangle on the end". She said it broke when she "pulled it out of the cab at Philly Airport as the driver took every road that was bumpy and full of holes to avoid baseball traffic." Yet according to Caleb, the baseball traffic would have been in Baltimore, far away from where Melissa was (or should have been).
The girls accused her husband of killing Alison ad then Ali turned out to be alive. Ali was a bully towards a lot of people so that adds more fuel to the fire. She then lost her own child from the stress and was so angry, crazy and in shock she faked her pregnancy.
She then kept running away and keeping secrets like the fact she basically killed Bethany by burring her alive. Where was she when CeCe was caught as A? Where was she when Spencer was accused of killing Bethany when Melissa knew what happened and why does Melissa get away with murder?
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