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May 17, 2017

Humans Are Aliens descended from another planet? Panspermia Theory

I often find myself sitting thinking how the world came to be. How did the big bang happen – a chemical explosion? How did those chemicals get there? Does space end? Is there another ‘Earth’ inhabited with humans just like us? I could write a whole list of questions I want answered.

Many theories have explained how life originated on Earth, but perhaps life didn’t start on Earth – maybe it started on a planet light-years away and spread. This theory is known as Panspermia.

This doesn’t provide an explanation for evolution, but it does try to solve the mystery of how life began here on Earth or how it possibly spread through the universe, resulting in us not being alone.

--- The Panspermia Theory ---
Panspermia is a Greek word that translates to "seeds everywhere". The theory goes that because life such as extremophile* are capable of surviving very harsh conditions, so too can these ‘seeds’ of life.

The rocks could carry frozen organisms inside them that can withstand intense heat and pressure. They are then ejected into space and are transferred from one location to another, planting ‘seeds’ in other planets.

The comets, etc. may travel for centuries before colliding, resulting in the creation of life. Could our DNA could originate from another planet – could we be part alien?
Imagine picking a weed from your garden and throwing it in another part of the garden. That weed will then grow in the area you put it in, or even pollen being transferred from one flower to another -  that’s kinda how Panspermia works with humans.

In April 2009, Stephen Hawking actually discussed the possibility alien life through the theory of Panspermia. If this is true, this could change the way we think about life as we know it.

There are three different types of Panspermia:
Litho-panspermia: Rocks/asteroids hit another planet in another solar system and thus, creating life. In these rocks are organisms / biological material from other planets which are planted just like seeds.

Directed Panspermia: This is the deliberate transportation of microorganisms in space which are sent to Earth to start life. Nobel prize winners Francis Crick and Chemist, Leslie Orgel proposed that life may have been spread on purpose by an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization.
Ballistic Panspermia: An asteroid could hit a planet and because of the impact due to the rock hitting it, other rocks expel from it. This would send debris into other directions such as Earth - which is how life could have started here.

It gets interesting here because in 1984 a meteorite that had left the surface of Mars 15 million years ago was found in Antarctica by a team of US Government scientists. In 1996, they found remains of terrestrial nano-bacteria inside it. But they're not actually sure if that bacteria is from Mars or from sitting on the ice in Antarctica.

I believe we aren’t alone and there is another planet out there with people living just as we are. Whether or not they are more advanced than us, vice-versa, I believe there will be a major breakthrough in centuries to come.

Perhaps even now, as you are reading this, lumps of rocks are travelling through space, transporting life – creating a whole new number of planets and different types of species.

*An extremophile is an organism that thrives in physically or geochemically extreme conditions that are detrimental to most life on Earth. In contrast, organisms that live in more moderate environments may be termed mesophiles or neutrophiles.

Check out Josh's video below where he explains it so well. Subscribe to his channel because he puts up THE most INTERESTING videos on YouTube and is also how I came to write this post.

Comment below what you think. Could this be what actually happened?


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