--- My theory ---
- His surveillance skills are Uber A level skills. He set up cameras, researched the Liars, dated and is now engaged to Aria – not to mention moving to Rosewood to investigate and write a book about Alisons' disappearance. He knows too much about the girls to not be considered A.D. He basically got a job at Rosewood High to get closer to the girls…perfect suspect for Uber A or at least Team Uber A.
- He always seems to be out of town when anything bad happens – coincidence? I think not. We see the other guys in scenes without the Liars and usually helping the girls, with or without them present or knowing – yet we never see Ezra in scenes like these. I cant remember the last time he sat down and tried to track down A or AD for the girls. Not to mention he keeps leaving Aria for Nicole all of a sudden. Team A called you for an emergency meeting Fitz?
- He has gained the trust of so many people, despite him lying pretty much all the time and keeping secrets – such as knowing Ali before she went missing. In the lair, there are large canvas photos of Alison - meaning he obviously liked her more than the rest. Yet another reason I think Ezra is hiding more secrets than it seems. Perhaps he could be the dad of Alison’s baby?
- In 4X13, Red Coat leads the girls to Ezra’s Lair in Ravenswood. Inside they find whiteboards with timelines, notes, photos and maps of where the Liars were and what they did. Including other characters such as Wren. But Ezra wasn’t even on the timeline. The other guys were including the parents too - but no Ezra! You’d think a student dating her teacher would be on the board, I mean it’s A right? I think this proves that Ezra has been in the A Team all along but since the death of CeCe he has taken over and become Uber A.
- Speaking of the student-teacher relationship, anyone find it odd how A actually tried to help them keep it a secret? Yes, at that time A was Mona, but it could have come from another member of Team A, meaning that could have been Ezra.
- We saw the computers in the lair but what we also saw was A was monitoring Rosewood PD. What if a complaint was put in about their inappropriate relationship but Ezra saw it and dealt with the situation somehow?
- Grunwald said to the Liars in the episode: “You’re being watched – he is hoping you’ll led him to Alison”. Another clue HE is Ezra? Meaning HE knew she was alive. She also mentioned Alison doesn’t want to be found. What if she really was pregnant that summer and decided to give birth and that’s why she left for two years? She knew she could trust the girls but didn’t give them any warnings. Strange.
- At the end of the episode, a figure dressed in black watches the girls. He walks to A’s lair and when he sees that someone was there, he angrily slams his wardrobe shut. It is revealed to be Ezra himself! Remember when CeCe went to his apartment dressed in black and we literally missed that obvious clue? Did Marlene just do the same again?
- In 4X14, Ezra calls Aria to see where she is – only he knew where she was. He watched her just meters away and then we saw that he had a weird costume on. Just like the one Hanna saw on the board. Creepy? Yup! Why would he call her, spy on her and then dress up in that very costume if he wasn’t part of Team A?
- I have seen this post so any times but maybe its Marlene giving us subtle hints. On the blackboard at school, Ezra stands in front of some words, and we see the words "But I was A." In another episode, Ezra blocks the letters again so it spells, "the A". Surley this can't be a coincidence? Either he was A or part of the A Team.
- Also Ezra was revealed to be Board Shorts, meaning he and Alison had a sexual relationship. We then found out Ali had a pregnancy scare too. In the lair, bills were there and money was paid out to CeCe. What if he paid her as she threatened to tell everyone he got her pregnant, Maybe that's why she hid for 2 years to have the baby and stay hidden for a while longer.
- At the time of Ali's funeral, Ezra attended. He said it was to support Aria - or was it? Perhaps he could have been there to look for Ali as he knew she was alive. At this time we didn't know he knew her, but now we do and this seems odd to me. Maybe he was there for support but this is Rosewood and anything can happen.
- Marlene once said "everything will be revealed in 3B", meaning Season 3B, but we never referred to any seasons as "B" other than 6 and 7. Ezra's apartment is 3B, is this another clue?
- In 4X11, just like theory number #10, Ezra blocks out certain words and we see sentences. Behind Aria's head in Ezra's apartment, perfectly sits a mug with the letter A. Why wouldn't he have a mug with the letter E rather than an A? Yes it could be Aria but you never know.
- In 4X15 (at the infamous A scenes), we see A on their laptop. Now I have bought cards for teachers fore as a thank you for helping with exams or if they're leaving and I always see cards with an apple on it. They actually focus on an apple here - is this a clue it's a teacher? Aka, Ezra.
- In 4X16, when Ezra and Aria are in their apartment having cake, it is a slow scene of them and then it shows Jake boxing. He then cuts his foot and it shows us Ezra and Aria again. Why would they show us these very specific scenes. As if Ezra has nothing to worry about now. It makes it even stranger as we never see Jake again.
- Remember Jackie? When she started to interfere with Ezra's life, the liars were made sure to get rid of her. Why would A care unless it was someone close to him? Surley A would want this since it would hurt Aria?
- We know PLL references book all the time. We also know The Great Gatsby has appeared one to many times, The author? F. Scott Fitzgerald. Could Fitzgerald be a clue since Ezra's last name is actually Fitzgerald? (Sidenote: Both A and Ezra love their whiskey - Hmmmm...).
- On the board at school (again), he wrote "Married for love". There was also an e-mail sent to Spencer about Mellissa and Ian saying "Married for love or an alibi?". Need I point out nothing in a coincidence in Rosewood...
- First Ali was targeted and then after she went into hiding, Sara was taken. It may be nothing but both are blonde. If you notice now, Hanna seems to have it the worst and she is also blonde. Does Uber A have an obsession with blonde women? I think obsession is key here. It is strange how Ali had to go into hiding, then Sara was taken the next day (perhaps as a substitute for Ali). Of course the liars have all had it bad granted, but Hanna sacrificed herself and was tortured and left with scars. No other liar was. It all related back to #13. I feel like since this board game has been introduced, it has actually helped everyone and its not been a hellish ride (YET), but now A.D is ruining Hanna's career with her 'stolen ' dress design?
- Uber A/AD/A-moji are the SAME PERSON which has been confirmed by Marlene. Could A.D stand for ezrA fitzgeralD?
- The cast have said it was a "shocking" reveal and "nobody in the cast came close" to guessing who Uber A was. They also said we wouldn't get it, but they have seen a few theories that have it either close or spot on.
Twins (either Spencer or Aria, etc.) do not scream "shocking" to me, especially since the books have Ali's twin being Courtney. It is such a boring story-line in my opinion for a twin to be Uber A. But saying that, anything can happen. If it is a twin and the story-line works out well, Ill hold my hands up and say I was wrong.
Who do you think A.D/Uber A is? Leave your theories on the comments below!
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