Before going, all I heard was Paris is a 'magical' city, 'The food is to die for!' and how beautiful the Eiffel Tower is when it sparkles at night - as if I wasn't jealous enough!
I thought I would do a blog post on my favourite city in the world as well as some helpful info you should know before you get there!
Parisian Fashion
The people of Paris are very stylish when it comes to fashion. They make the most fashionable people look unfashionable. But, you don't need to dress well in Paris. Just chuck on a pair of trousers or shorts, a nice top and jacket with a pair of sensible shoes! But whatever you do, DO NOT walk around Paris in heels. I had trainers on most of the time and my feet still ached at the end of the day.
Interested in fashion or not, its always nice to take a look at the expensive clothes, right?
Paris will make you a morning person, trust me!
I'm sure on holiday you don't want to stay in bed all day because really, what's the point in that if you can get up and explore instead? I mean don't get up at 7 or anything but nothing past 10!
You could spend weeks in Paris and you still would have more of the city to see. So get up early, pick up your fresh Croissant and OJ and start exploring.
Maps, maps, maps.
Paris is like one massive labyrinth. So many streets, so many turnings and a whole bunch of cafés. Use Google maps on your phone and make sure you have a map with you for the Metro Stations!
On the day the Tour De France came to Paris, we got lost and walked for a while to eventually find the nearest Metro. We got back eventually and saw the riders on Rue de Rivoli.
Take a seat...
Often when you're out and about and you need to rest, you'll sit on a bench or some sort of low wall, etc...right? Well in Paris, particularly in places like Jardin des Tuileries, they have chairs! It makes more sense because then you're not crammed into one space with multiple people. You can sit wherever you want whether that's in the shade or the sun and it looks better than benches everywhere.
It is actually pretty relaxing sitting by the water on the chairs - sometimes eating a nice baguette or a scrumptious pastry from a local café.
Oh la la!
From the apartments to the buildings, Paris just gets more beautiful by the minute. So prepare to have your camera at the ready for some snaps. You don't even need to be a good photographer to get a good picture - Paris is naturally a very photogenic city.

Eating in Paris
It's not a trip to Paris unless you go to a French restaurant. It doesn't even have to be an expensive place. But don't even think for one second of going to some fast food place like McDonalds...just don't.
One of the many things I noticed whilst in Paris was how healthy the Parisians look and it's probably because of the food and walking! They also have French markets every week with tons of fresh vegetables and fruit. Why can't everywhere be like that.
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