So let's start off with the big shocker of the night - the girl in the café. Turns out she is actually Sophie, and she and Adam had a child called Lucy.. So that explains what the doctors told Gemma and Sam! Adam told her he loved her saying "If we're going to make a life out there it has to be off the grid". But was he the third man back in the Iraq war with Henry and Stone?

After last weeks' shocking death scene, we had thought that BBC would reveal more than they actually did - but why are we not surprised they kept most of the answers a secret?
Baptiste is becoming more questionable episode by episode. Hallucinating scenarios that aren't actually happening. Is this his sub-conscious feelings telling him, and us something? His brain tumour is taking over the investigation ands how he handles it. But I, like many others, are starting not trust the invincible Julien.
So was Baptiste right all along (should I even question that?), or did the detective really miss something? But does this mean that the real Alice Webster actually died in the fire, in order to buy Sophie and her captor their 'freedom'? Maybe Stone was threating her and that's what he really meant with the Turtle story.
In the present day, Gemma meets with Baptiste and shows him the roller-coaster photo, now believing that the girl beside Sophie ( who we thought was Alice) is her daughter Alice, and the third girl is someone else who is wearing Alice's necklace. So far things are adding up.
But what is happening about Lena Garber, there was no mention of her at all? Also, didn't anyone know that Det. Lanheart went to question Adam and know that now HE is MISSING??
By the end of this week's episode, Julien is suspected of assaulting Brigadier Stone but it was actually Matthew. Not that it matters as Eve Stone doesn't trust him, and German detective Jorn, the one man on his side in 2014, is dead.
Nadia then returns from hospital following the incident with the men in masks. She arrives home, only to discover a camera she was trying to look at before she was attacked. It supposedly belongs to her husband Kristian with photos of the missing girl - which one? Don't ask.
Is Nadia setting up her husband as revenge? Remember the picture we saw of her on the camera? Baptiste even confronted Nadia about the Iraq war in 1991 and like Baptiste, we do not think its a coincidence her name was on that sealed document.
I am stuck for theories now. Do you have any?
Only two episodes left to find out.
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